Tuesday, April 14, 2009

50% Chance of Rain....

Having a 50% chance of rain is a given. see, the weatherman never says it, but it's true. As Luck would have it, when you flip a coin you have a 50/50 chance of hitting the side you call. Why couldn't that same logic be applied to weather prediction world wide. I mean common sense would tell ya. So after watching the local weather-women hottie, I got to thinking about why they use percentages when predicting rain. For example they're calling for a 40% chance of rain on Saturday. They even say light rain. what does that mean. If I follow my logic how is that possible. So I sit here and ponder it, and then I think back to the last 4 years of the Seattle Supercross. Being that I was there for all 4 races, I can say I've only been to 1 mudder. But it was nothing worse than '05 A1 or last years Daytona. By using the rule of percentages we should have a 25% chance of a mudder with a 50% chance of rain. Ok, now I've totally confused myself and don't really know what to think. Maybe I'll just stick my head out the window on Saturday morning and make my own weather prediction. If it's raining I'll put on a coat, and if its nice I'll bust out the short pants. Which ever Mother Nature brings I'll be prepared, because it's not like I get to watch a Supercross everyday.

Ahhh, weatherman porn!

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