Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Cool New Supercross Game iPhone App.

A couple of days ago Apple released a cool Supercross game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The cool part about this game is that one of the creators is Stephane Roncada. Stephane was the Y2k Supercross 125East Champion. He is a legend in the sport and has left a legacy for all Frenchies to follow. He went from racing to creating video games, and from the looks of it, he and the guys at 2XL Games seem to know what they're doing.

So, the graphics for this game are beyond any game out there for the iPhone. check it.

Roncada and the guys at 2XL Games got it right with the perfect splash picture as the app starts up.

Here's my weak attempt at a review. I would be fooling you in thinking the game play is super easy, with the tilt steering and all. But after awhile it becomes fun and challenging. If you don't like the tilt steering, there is an option to disable it and you can add a joy stick (on screen control pad). I haven't tried this, just because I like the tilt steering. Preloading the bikes suspension is similar, in that you can make it engage with a forward and back tilt option. Although, I did try this option, I'll admit that it's not easy. Instead I'll stick to pushing the little on screen spring button. The racing is tight and has an array of supercross tracks. You can select between 2 or 4 stroke bikes, and customize your rider, Super Sweet!

If you have an iPhone and you ride, this game is a must have. So here's to being productive and wasting time playing video games! Check out 2XL Games website.

Here's a cool interview with RonRon and RacerX Magazine

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